Sunday, September 26, 2010

DS Grading

I believe that grading a DS is no different than grading a paper. A bold statement, I am aware, but there are definitive elements in each that would aid an instructor in assigning a grade. However, there are also elements that are more abstractly graded: style, quality of analysis, etc. So how should we expect to see our DS graded? The use of the seven elements is the most obvious; partial credit should be awarded for the use of each. Full credit should be given for its effectiveness concerning the overall story. Of course, the script is also an important factor in the DS and should be an important part of the grading process. If a professor is able to grade an essay and assign a grade for the work produced, there should be no problems when trying to grade a DS. However, the grade on this project does not seem to be the important part of the assignment. We are being tested for our understanding so that we can teach others how to use this kind of literacy to express themselves better. In order to help people with their own essays or projects, we must understand how to do them as well. Although this is a different kind of assignment, I don't think that the grading needs to be entirely different. Like an essay, it is giving us the ability to show our knowledge and understanding of the particular subject. Because I have used DST in the past, I believe I understand it is graded in comparison to papers. I am interested to see how the final grading will turn out, but I am confident that we have come up with a good rubric.


  1. Lauren, I agree that for the most part, the digital story should be graded like a regular paper assignment. However, how do you propose the quality of pictures, effectiveness of music, etc. be graded. There are some people who are naturally less artistic than others. Should everyone be held to the same creativity standards? Or should creativity/artistic ability not be graded at all?

  2. Julia, you raise a good point. I agree with you that it can be difficult to grade the effectiveness of images, etc, but I think it should be based on whether or not that image applied to the narrative at that particular point. I think we should be awarded partial credit for the presence of all 7 elements and full credit for an excellent presentation (just like an essay would receive a better grade for having appropriate word choice). Hope that clears my post up a bit!
