Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Boys and Girls Club Take 2

Yesterday we went to the Boys and Girls Club (BGC) for the second time to help them with their digital stories. Our student already had her interview done last week and we tried to help her organize all the facts she had last week. Yesterday, we tried to help her start writing her narrative for the DST, which turned out to be a little challenging. You never realize how difficult it can be to teach someone how to write a narrative with a good flow to it if they've never done it before. Many students at the BGC have not encountered an assignment similar to this one, so we can't use language like "transitions" and ask them to vary their sentence structure.
We had to be more basic with her. We explained that while the facts she decided to use were interesting and effective in her story, the story itself would be better if it was not simply fact, followed by fact, followed by fact. We tried to use the example of an actual story, telling her how it had a beginning, middle and end, where each part related to the other because you needed the beginning part to get to the middle, and the middle to arrive at the end. We told her that because his life is a story that she can tell it as a story, beginning with his childhood, then to his college years, and now in his adult life. It is very important for her to highlight his pearl of wisdom in her story, so we must work with her to find a way to incorporate it by introducing it and allowing his advice to shine. I'm interested to see if she will have a solid script written for next time. I know we will have to do some tweaking, but I really hope she can do most of the writing on her own, as it will help when we are recording next week.

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